richRoam: Agriculture Loan

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Showing posts with label Agriculture Loan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agriculture Loan. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Agriculture loan

February 21, 2023 0

Countries with agricultural land in particular and those with little agricultural land, in general, are supported by bank credits. Owners, Farmers, and contractors need funds for production, farm development, and working capital for non-farm sectors. Farmers need seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers. Credit is needed for farm development like Tractors, tube wells, Stores and cold storages, land improvement, irrigation supplements, waterways, canal lining, etc. Working capital for a nonfarm sector like Livestock, poultry farming, dairy farming, fisheries, honey bees, forestry, etc. Finance for nonfarm development is required in the field of milk storage and processing, livestock clinics, laboratories, Sericulture and delivery vans, etc. 


  1. Seasonal until harvesting of crop
  2. Short-term up to three years
  3. Long-term up to seven years 


  1. Stock and produce
  2. Marketable securities
  3. Gold ornaments and bullion
  4. Farm machinery/ residential property
  5. Land